man," officials had ordered young Herman Ratjen to pose as girl. "I had to let my hair grow and was given injections to stop the growth. of hair on my face and chest. For years I lived the life of a girl. It was most dull." Herman is now completely masculine, says The PEOPLE. He works as a waiter in Bremen and is a good democrat. . . A new magazine with the unoriginal title, CONFIDENTIAL LIFE, expected on stands, with pertinent material on homosexuality. . . . L. A. EXAMINER, bored by warnings we are drifting towards society of he-women and she-men, recently editorialized, "There is something. of woman in every man, and vice versa, due perhaps to the fact that all mortals have women for mothers and men for fathers." . . . Revivals on New York stage: OSCAR WILDE, smash 1938 play by Leslie and Sewell Stokes, and THE CAPTIVE, Edouard Bourdet's play about love between women, which cops closed in 1926. . . . Leading Hollywooders say bursting bosoms are on way out. The gals with fantastic measurements have nothing more to show. Said designer Edith Head, "Hollywood has too long been serving bosom on the halfshell. Even the men are tiring of it." Now other parts of the female anatomy are to be exposed. May 10: Federal Constitutional Court of West Germany rejected case brought against Article 175 (Nazi law against homosexual


acts) pleading that law penalizing acts by males only infringes the Constitutional principle of equality of men and women. Court denied argument since men and women. are "biologically different," also rejected argument that the law restricted right to develop one's personality, saying homosexual acts. are judged by public opinion as an infringement of the Moral Law . . . A Berlin newspaper commenting on 25 unsolved murders in West Berlin, of which 6 were in homosexual circles, said: "Particular difficulties. are presented when murders in homosexual circles have to be solved; there are mostly cases of murder with robbery. Witnesses are very reluctant for well known reaOne FRANKFURTER NACHTAUSGABE columnist, discussing such murders, blamed them on "that Article" in the penal code which particularly exposes homosexuals to blackmailers, saying the "murderous" Article was responsible for 3 Frankfurt murders in 2 years. . . . Dutch psychiatrist, Dr. F. J. Tolsma, who had previously written on religious aspects of homosexuality, recently published report based on police records and interviews with 99 homosexual "seducers" and 133 who had been "seduced." All but 8 of "seduced" had subsequently married, showing no traumatic effects nor any continued homosexual activity. Rest analyzed as latent homosexuals at time of seduction.



Monthly magazine in French; literary and scientific, infrequent photos and drawings. $9. yearly. 162 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, Paris XIII, France.